Tuesday, December 27, 2011

a G

" ugh, it's painful.... it's just too long... "
" ...... "
" I've heard about that girl, what do you think about her ? .... "
" .... I will just let her go. It's fine.... [ baby B playing his feet ] .... and that's all... "

Destiny : part that I have to play in.

Partnert : someone that assist me to accomplish my mission ( destiny ). someone to work with.
Wife : Girl that always nearby me.
Soulmate : someone that have strong relationship with me. 
.... and I guess, it's not me....

Thousand years : why'd you so important ? that you can live more than thousand years. I'm not. Suddenly I'm awake, and here. It's great if you that important. I'm waiting for the proof you would give. and it's so amazing if you that great...... the way you talk and act. Honestly, I can beat you easily...... and this, can you take the responsibility from me ?...... I'm waiting.... this pain, this shame, what will you pay with ?....